Started drums (first instrument) in 2018. In 2019 started playing infront of people. Kept going. Aawks has a full length album out, new music coming and I love keeping time for the boys. I love music. I have a hard time being confident as a drummer but I won’t give up. I’m a mom and I’ll always show my daughter anything can be done if you want it. The video is a long one but they have great video quality of a set we did. We love local, good humans and will build up anyone who wants to put their hat in the ring
YAY RANDY!!! I can’t believe you did it and entered!!! I am so proud of you 🙂
Good luck in everything, you’re doing it! keep it up
Hi, very very creative entry display with a lot of effort I’m sure! Our age group usually has about 40+ entries so for the judges to see a meaningful 3:00 section, maybe consider having one of your talented videographers to pull out your favorite 3:00 section to show the international judges. Good Luck next year! Keep drumming!
Randylin it is so true, you have the heart to be a drummer, I saw you live and for just a few years on drums you are awesome
That’s awesome!