My name is Amber Diviney, I am 17 years old and live in Memphis TN. I am a student athlete and have been playing drum set for about 4 years. I have chosen to play R U Mine by the Arctic Monkeys because I think it is such an entertaining and energectic song! This song also gave me a few oppurtunities to add some fills of my own to personalize it. I think adding a little bit my own fills gives me the oppurtunity to show my drumming stye in a song I really enjoy. I am very excited for this oppurtunity!
Great song great playing!! Love the fills
Awesome as always!!
So proud of you!
Takes it to a whole new level of awesomeness!!! Rock on girl!!
We are so proud of you Amber
You are awesome!!!
Wtg!!So talented!!
Wow Amber… you are amazing!! Are you sure you weren’t born with those sticks in your hands??
Great job Amber
Woo hoo!!! Go Amber!!
Rock on sister! You’re awesome!!!
Nice Job
Rock on Amber.
You are amazing! So much talent and energy in this!
WOW! You sound amazing! Great job!!
Go Amber!!!
Amber is a great talent!!
Good luck Amber!

I’m a fan! Keep up the great work!