My name is Anhelina Horelova and I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine. I’m 31 years old and have been playing drums for 5 months. I want to try my hand at the Hit Like a Girl contest for female drummers.
I love everything about rhythm in music, and playing drums allows me to experience music in a whole new way. I’m grateful for the opportunity to showcase my skills on a bigger stage and to share my story with everyone. Drums are more than just an instrument for me, they allow me to feel alive and connected to the music.
I also want to give a shout-out to my instructor, Victor Gerchev, for his guidance and support. Thank you for believing in me and helping me develop my skills.
Привіт, Анхеліна! Дякуємо за участь у Hit Like A Girl. Ви чудово звучите. Продовжуйте грати і бажаємо удачі!
Thank you!
Go girl