Hi everyone! My name is Annie Ngo, I live in Orange County, California and I’m 15 years old. I’ve been drumming for 4 years, I’m involved in my school’s Jazz Band, Rock Band, Musicals, and I am currently the center snare in my school’s Marching Band. My favorite styles on the drum set are Bossa Nova (Latin) and Rock. I became interested in drumming because both my grandpa and my dad were professional drummers before me and I wanted to continue on that legacy. I played piano for 10 years before I found my passion for drumming and I also did 2 years of bass clarinet! Drumming means the whole world to me, I love it so much, I really don’t know what I would do without it. Whenever I drum, I can feel each beat hit the drum, matching with the rhythm of my heart beating for it. It takes me away from reality and into a world of endless creativities. My biggest inspirations would be my Drum Teacher, Mr. Jeff Segal, and my dad, Peter. In the future, I hope to become a Nurse and also continue to shape my drumming into a profession. I hope you all will enjoy my video and have a wonderful day!
You go gỉrl

You go girl

You rock!
Great performance!
So proud of you Annie!

You’re amazing!