Dania Gabourel


Hi, I’m Dania Gabourel, a 13 years old drummer from Mexico.

Since I was a baby, the drums caught my attention. When I was 5 years old, my sister was taking piano lessons at a music school. I remember that I used to see the drums that were there, I said my mom that I wanted to play the drums but she said me that I was too little to do it. One day, when I was 7 years old, the drums classroom was empty so I went into the classroom and proved my mom that I was big enough to play them. I convinced my parents to pay me drums lessons, since then I continue with my drums lessons with my teacher Jorge Castro.

When I play the drums, especially metal, I feel free to express my feelings, it’s an indescribable sensation, I love to play the drums.

My main influences and the drummers I admire the most are Aquiles Priester, El Estepario Siberiano, Junna, Joey Jordison, Evgeny Novikov, Anastasia Sereda, Gee Anzalone, Mike Portnoy, The Rev, Tarn Softwhip, Jay Weinberg and Mike Mangini.

My goals are becoming a professional drummer, create a metal band and always enjoy the drums. I wish to promote the gender equality and the equality of job opportunities. Also, I wish to meet people from all over the world and share my music with them.

I participate in this great contest with a cover of “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by the composer Nikolái Rimski-Kórsakov. I did the drums arrangement myself mixing some music genres. I chose this song because I want to show you all that I’ve learned in these 6 years, since it’s a complex piece where you can see my abilities.

Thank you so much “Hit Like a Girl” for giving us the opportunity to show our work and above all, for the opportunity to meet a lot of people around the world.


  1. julietabaterista julietabaterista on April 13, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    Te quedó súper! Mucha suerte Dania! Ya votándote y apoyando paisana 🇲🇽 🤗

  2. Daria Slesareva on May 9, 2023 at 8:33 am

    This is so impressive! Sigue hacerlo, eres muy talentosa!

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