Hi! My name is Judy De Leon. I am 10 years old from Easton, Pennsylvania, USA. I started drumming when I was six with the Easton School of Rock. I joined the performance group when I was 7. I became interested in drumming by watching my dad play in the basement. It looked fun to hit things with sticks!
I’d really like to thank all of my music teachers at school, SOR, and Drumming for All, who have introduced me to a variety of music. Over the years, I’ve come to love it and enjoy learning about different genres. I really admire great drummers like Ringo Starr, Stewart Copeland, John Bonham, Karen Carpenter, and Matt Helders. This video is a mix of Arctic Monkey covers including footage from the 2023 winter show.
Drumming allows me to be creative. I especially like jamming with other musicians. I’m one of the younger performers at School of Rock, but age doesn’t matter in the band. Great music brings all people together. I hope that performing on stage has helped inspire other young kids to realize that they have the potential to rock at any age!
Great song choices!!
Thank you! Best of luck to you too!
Great playing
Amazing ! I love that.
And I love Arctic Monkeys
Best wishes
Thank you!
Wow congrats Judy Good job ! Proud of you. God’d luck ! You play like professional already ! Kudos !
Great performance. You are a rockstar!
Great Medley! Congrats!