Krystel Brenes Guzman

Costa Rica

Hola todos! Hello everyone! My name is Krystel Brenes Guzman, from Costa Rica. I am 11 years
old and, although I have only been playing the drums for a short time, being a member of this
beautiful community has brought me many new opportunities and friends. It has opened
doors as well as my heart.

In this, my second year at HLAG, I wanted to again support and grow our family of drummers.
But, rather than focusing only on the competition, I also wanted to use my platform to bring
awareness to another cause that has become very important to me.

According to, nearly 20% of the world’s population lacks
adequate housing. That is 1.6 billion people. Homelessness is an even more serious condition
that affects 150 million around the world. In my country, Costa Rica— with a population of 5
million— 3,500 people experience homelessness every day.

I have seen first-hand the need that many people in my country have and I know that around
the world millions of people deserve a little help to get ahead. I believe the positive message
of music can be their second chance.

Recently, I was fortunate to be able to record a video of the song “Creo En Mi” for an
organization in Costa Rica called CHEPE SE BAÑA. Creo En Mi means I believe in myself.

CHEPE SE BAÑA’s mission is to provide help to homeless people, in vulnerable conditions,
through music, painting and crafts as well as food and daily necessities. In addition to
recording and sharing my video, CHEPE SE BAÑA also allowed me to give drum lessons to
homeless people. This was an incredible experience, which I enjoyed very much.

My HLAG 2023 video combines my performance of Creo En Mi with images of the time I
shared with my new friends and the smiles we shared through music.

I want to shout to the world that the time to help those who need it is everyday. I have learned
that in life, just as in music, sometimes we all can use a single, small, new opportunity to get
ahead or just to smile.

As far as my drumming, my goal is to make an impact by giving back a part of everything
wonderful that music and the drums have given me. And, as far as the Hit Like A Girl Contest, if
you have read my story up to this point, I can say that I have already won.

Thank-you and gracias. In Costa Rica we say “PURA VIDA”.

Big hugs from my heart.

Krystel Brenes
Costa Rica


  1. valentina2014 valentina2014 on March 29, 2023 at 3:55 am

    ¡Bravo!!!! un video precioso!!

    • Krystelbrenes5 Krystelbrenes5 on March 29, 2023 at 8:59 am

      Muchísimas gracias mi querida Vale 💕

  2. Isabella Rothenbuhler on March 29, 2023 at 10:49 am

    Wow Krystel!! This is is such a beautiful song. What a wonderful thing to do. Use your talent to bring much needed attention to a worthy cause. Bravo Sister !! 🥹🥹👏👏👏

    • Krystelbrenes5 Krystelbrenes5 on March 29, 2023 at 5:06 pm

      Thank you very much drum sister, you have done an amazing job,💜🫶 hugs

  3. Nuntakarn Veeraphan on March 30, 2023 at 9:38 am

    Welcome back Krys. Your song is so beautiful. 💕

  4. Mariana Gómez Loria on April 1, 2023 at 8:39 am

    Bravo krys muchísimos éxitos te felicito 😉👏🙌

  5. Sara Valeria Sara Valeria on April 3, 2023 at 6:09 pm

    Muchas felicidades Krys! Ya eres ganadora! <3

  6. Laura Boylston Laura Boylston on April 6, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    Great job Krystel, you sounded awesome!!!

  7. Stephenie Stephenie on April 7, 2023 at 2:52 pm

    I’m so proud of you Krystel!

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