Hello! My name is Lauren Young. I have been playing the drums for approximately 5 years now. Working each day over the years to improve playing drums has been super fulfilling and life changing. My love for music is deep, it has the power to heal, transform, transport, and so much more! Drumming is a life skill but it is also a lifestyle – I am forever grateful to be able to help people through the power of music!
Listening to great music each day with my parents has led me to be heavily influenced by such game changing drummers as Jen Ledger (Skillet), Dave Grohl (Nirvana), Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters), Glen Sobel (Alice Cooper and Hollywood Vampires), and many many more. I am a drummer – it is what I do, it is what I desire, it is my my passion. Watching and learning from such amazing professionals inspires me to be the best version of me each and every day.
Last year, through Hit Like A Girl 2022, I was honored to receive the Joe Hibbs Memorial Award presented by The Sessions. The award is presented to continue Joe Hibbs values of modern drum set performance. Joe valued dedication, hard work, deep passion, and endless commitment. The prize awarded afforded me to get some of my preferred drumsticks and several more drum lessons – both of high value to me. The plaque provided is high quality and the people at both organizations have been super intentional and responsive in their communication. It was truly an honor to receive the award last year and I hope to earn the Joe Hibbs Memorial Award again this year.
The camaraderie and kindness among other drummers (amateur, professional, and world class) has been a great joy over the last several years. Serving each other through sharing knowledge and experiences is special. Having shared experiences providing clothes and toys to children during the holidays as well as supplying food to the hungry alongside of other musicians continues to change my life. I look forward to continuing to develop and progressing in music and life for many years to come.
Lauren young commands respect from dudes like Alex Vanhalen Neil peart or even Phil Collins she’s been beaten down and owning Facebook like no other this kid owns the stage and captures hearts ,she’s for yeal
She’s outstanding!
Sempre linda tocando… Jeito unico e alegre de se ver… Genial sempre
Don’t know how to vote for her or how this works, but this girl is amazing and deserves to win
Hi. Voting ended on April 25 but I am sure that Lauren appreciates your support. She is now in the finals. Winners will be announced on May 15.
You said it all. 100% agree. Lauren Young is incredible!
Your performance is cool and great!
Lauren plays like a professional and her showmanship is outstanding. She is another “Tommy Lee” from rhe crue. Keep rocking girl. We hope to see you play someday.
Lauren is an outstanding drum player and I watch her videos often. She deserves to win hit like a girl. Cindi
Lauren is an amazing passionate dedicated drummer/musician,absolutely amazing talented drummer,been following her for a while & I’m forever so impressed.!!..also she has such a passion to spread love & kindness through music.!!
I vote this amazing soul for this contest.!!
Lauren you are awesome amazing how you play them drums
keep up the great work you do with them
Great Drummer, Great Performer. Love her Style!
Lauren I love ya kid you rock like no other!I like your style your stage performance it’s genuine and fun your my favorite girl drummer you rock I’ve allways loved drums but guitar 1st then drums I hope you when no one deserves to win more then you! Period!
Very good!
She is mist amazing drummer I have ever seen
Lauren has an amazing ability and talent! Watching her play is mezmerizing and awe-inspiring. It is an honor to vote for this young woman.
She is beautiful and amazing everyone show her love and help her make it she’s asking for our support
Lauren is an Amazing drummer, watch her videos. Deserves to win the award and many other award ceremonies.
Awesome drummer. Deserves the award.
Love her videos. She’s awesome! Drum player. Keep on rocking.
I’ve signed in but I’m not sure if I voted.
Very good drummer who moreover seems to always enjoy playing drums and shows a rapid progression !
She should win.
Her skill and showmanship demonstrates the countless hours shas devoted to her craft. She is deserving of this award.
Amazing videos she is spot on when she performs
Awesome job young lady…keep it up.
For being so young… she is an awesome drummer!! I so enjoy watching her!!
Lauren is an AMAZING drummer!!
Bravissima Lauren complimenti
from Italy
Keep on rocking and rolling good luck
She is an amazing young lady, hard working, talented and a good example.
Hi. I’m an amateur drummer for 40 years now and watching this young lady has forced me into making more time for myself to throw sticks. Because of her young age and extreme talent she is a huge inspiration for young and old, man or woman. If only I could be as good at drumming as she is
Love watching Lauren! You can hear and see the passion in her playing. Obviously someone who loves what she is doing.
Yo I been watching all of Lauren Young is in total command when she is behind a Drum kit. Lauren rocks those Drums and I watch all her videos it helped me learn alot on my drum kit I will watch her video on my 55 inch Vizio TV and I run all my electronic drums through my system. I have a Onkey receiver with a top of the line sansui equalizer with all Bose double cubes hangin on the walls all around me on the drum kit. Then I also have a Bose sub woofer that I play my drum kit on. Way to go Lauren kid I hope u win this contest…….. You should be at a professional level by now the way you Rock those drums.
Her videos are amazing and she has a truly amazing caring heart! Keep rocking it Lauren
Lauren is awesome!!!
Great job. Your dedication to your craft is very admirable. Keep it up!!!
Lauren is in total command of her drum set. Lauren plays like she has been playing her whole life as young as she is she’s a total professional at all times and her showmanship is totally awesome I watch all of her videos and can’t get enough of watching her Lauren you rock now keep on rocking girl you got this thing.
I’ve written music a very long time and I’d be happy for Lauren to play on any of my stuff
A young lady who feels the music!!
This gal is awesome. Her hard work is paying off. Good luck. God Bless you young lady.
(No punt intended there)
Lauren is amazing keep Rocking on you go girl