Mi name is Natasha, I live in México City and have 16 years old. This is my third year entering this contest, last year I won second place in LATAM, as well as its been three years since I learned to play drums. I started just before the pandemic, because with friends of mine I started a rock band. We kept playing and sharing music with our friends and family. I spend most of my time available listening to music because I enjoy the rhythm it gives to my actions. I love playing with my band in front of others because we like to share how important music is for ur and how it influence us.
Lastly I would like to thank my teacher Vini for helping me all the way and HLAG for giving me such opportunity.
Un fuerte abrazo desde México
Great song! Greetings from Austria!!!
Bravooo, me encantó. Felicidades!!!!
Nice technique!
Padrísimo Nat! Ya votándote para apoyarte paisana
Mucha suerte!! Pd sube más videos con tu banda 
Hola Julieta, mil gracias. Claro q si, pronto habrá más videos
gracias por tus votos
Muchas felicidades que emoción oírte tocar así
Sehr schon!!!
Escogiste una excelente canción. Felicidades tocas muy bien. Un orgullo para México.
Muchas felicidades. Me gusto mucho
Excellent performance!
Muy bien Nat
Greetings from Austria
Felicidades ojalá ganes
Sigue contagiando e inspirando al mundo con tu música!
Keep going!!!!
Increíble, Nat!
Excelente!! Eres lo máximo!!
Sehr gut!
Me encantó
Te salió bien épico Natacha
Mucha suerte!!
Maravillosa la interpretación serás grande
Padrísimo! Felicidades!!