Rafaela Migueis
Teacher/School: Bahrain Music Institute/ Teacher Antony Varghese
Hello my name is Rafaela, I’m 13 and brasilian but i currently live in Bahrain. Music has always been a big part of my life; when I was just 3 I saw my brother playing the drums and i immediately fell in love with the drumset. I started playing on pots and pans until finally I got a drum kit and started lessons when I was 6. From there on i would just improve and playing the drums just turned into a daily routine. Rock and pop has been something that I have always enjoyed. It’s something i love to play and listen to and makes me feel powerful in so many ways. Im super grateful to have an opportunity to participate in hit like a girl contest.
You have a talented and gifted daughter.

Wawooo she is really amazing she will be having great future

She is very good! Congratulations!
God Bless you… Best of luck
Great performance

Rock it!!!
Wonderful and keep it up
Rafaela was borned to play with love and care.
Absolutely first class!
Um futuro brilhante a aguarda.
OMG Rafaela. It was amazing. Congratulations.
She’s fenomenal
Knowing Rafa for long time.
She is so passionate and can only go better and better!
You are a star!
Parabéns. Você toca muito bem
Very good!!!
Fabulous play

I saw her playing drums in the living room at her father’s house when she was 9 years old and I was so surprised with her dedication and the shining in her eyes! I wish you all the best ever! “Keep Playing”!!!
Very very Nice…. congrats Rafa
Muito Talentosa. Parabéns Rafa!!!
Awesome talent!!
Simply grate
Lovely girl .
Great job, Rafaela! Well done.
u are so pro
Fantastic! The best for sure
Congratulations, you’re playing very well!
I wish you much success!
Torcendo por ti, Rafa!
She is Wonderful!!
Raffa she’s gifted by god and Iam so proud of u
The Best!
Congrats Rafaela and keep on Rockin’!
“ Rock is root, … ths rest is fruit!”
Let’s gooo!
Parabéns Rafa !!!!

Amazing ! Wonderful musician
Congrats Rafaela
Lovely to see your development
Manda muito bem !!! Adorei!
Uhuu…Let’s go!

Congratulations Rafa, amazing video, nice song as well !!
Tive o previlégio de conhecer Rafaela em Omã a convite dos pais dela, por ter recebido um amigo árabe aqui no Rio de Janeiro, no carnaval em 2017 e no mesmo ano, a minha ida ao oriente médio. Me passaram o quarto da Rafaela, para que eu pudesse ficar com mais conforto. Havia uma bateria de brinquedo… Passa um filme, né? Hoje! Muito mais confiante, madura e determinada, por saber tocar bateria com amor e determinação, nos alegra de saber que uma brasileira faz um grande sucesso em qualquer lugar que ela possa estar… Muito talenlosa!
Que bacana ver sua evolução, me emociona o quanto você é focada e dedicada
continue a perseguir seus sonhos, e mais que isso, continue sonhado minha querida, te amo e estarei aqui sempre torcendo por você 

Parabéns toca muito bem !!!!

Ótima apresentação! Sempre dedicada! Parabéns
Talented girl

Grande garota, com um futuro lindo!
Parabéns Rafaela
Muito talentosa.
This girl is wonderful. Congratulations .
Go for it
Best of luck
god bless you….
Maravilha de apresentação