Hello all !
My name is Jolene, I’m 8 years old. I live in Tahiti, French Polynesia, and I love music.
I started drumming 10 months ago, just after my 7th birthday last year, my father teach me some songs, and I love that.
I just want to have fun, keep smiling and playing music I love.
Here is my last video, Chop Suey by System Of A Down, this song is so fun to play.
This is the 6th video I made, I learn by ear and I can’t read music yet, I have to learn.
I hope I can play one day Tower of power, Tool and Dirty loops songs, because I love these bands ! I will work for that !
I wish best luck to all other drummers girls, I love watching all of you, it’s so inspiring.
I hope you’ll enjoy my video.
Mauruuru (thank you in Tahitian)
Hello, Jolene! Welcome to Hit Like A Girl. I think you are our first contestant from Tahiti ever. Your drumming is excellent and your smile is infectious. Good luck!
Thank you very much ! I’m happy to be a part of this contest, and the first from Tahiti.
Thank you for the kind words, I hope I’ll find some inspiration and meet drummers here.
Thank you for this awesome contest
Hi !
My reply didn’t worked.. The email was in junk folder, sorry, I just sent you my answer.
Thank you very much !
Loved your video, enthusiasm and accuracy! Do you have Instagram? I am @jasmine.drums and would love to follow you!

Thank you very much ! I love drumming, I have a lot of things to learn, I love it !
I don’t have instagram, my parents told me I’m too young, but you can check my vidéos on youtube channel.
I put my covers, I just started 10 months ago, only 6 videos at this time, I’m working for more.
Do you have a youtube channel ?
I will definitely look for your YouTube. Mine is @jasminedrums2013
Your parents are right – I’m only on Instagram because my mum supervises the account

Thank you, I just subscribe to your Youtube channel
My parents will check for instagram, only for music could be great.
Welcome drum sister!! Great job. I love your attitude. Hugs.
Thank you very much ! Hugs. Jolene
Hi Jolene!!
Great job, you did so well for only ten months of learning.
Thank you very much Breanna, I’m glad you like my video.
Hi Jolene, I love watching your video, it is sop fun! And you only started 10 months ago! that is amazing! Good job!
Hi Stephenie,
thank you very much, Yes I was Tahitian dancer, and my dad give me lessons since my 8th birthday
I’m glad you like my video
Best wishes for the contest, you rock !
This song is so much fun to play on drums! Great drumming – I like the drum break in the middle.
Thank you Aiwen, yes I love that song, funny and great to play !
My dad and me have create the middle section, to add a challenge, I’m glad you love it !
Best wishes for the contest
Hi Jolene! Love your smile!! Great performance!!

Thank you Valeria, I’m glad you love it
Hi Jolene !! I so wanna come to Tahiti to jam with you! You chose one of my favorite songs to cover. The way you improvised was very creative and you did an excellent job of keeping time. You’re an excellent drummer!! You had a great camera angles and that smile of yours is very contagious

. Keep Rockin Drum Sister 

. Can’t wait to see more of you.
Bravo Jolene, tu as deja tout d’une grande batteuse . On voit la passion et la musicalité dans ton jeu et je penses que c’est une qualité indispensable pour etre au top.
Je t ‘encourage à continuer de travailler ton instrument tout en gardant cette passion . A tres vite j ‘espere sous la soleil polynésiens
Hey Jolene !
Tu es déjà une batteuse en l’âme à ce que je vois ! Tu as toutes les qualités pour réussir !
Je te souhaite le meilleur