Zara Jones

United Kingdom

I began playing the drums as a 14 year old, back in the 90s. As female drummers were extremely rare in those days, I encountered a lot of sexism (even from female teachers), and was not allowed to participate in any school bands.

I’ve been very happy to see how things have changed since then, and I returned to drumming (as a hobby) in my mid 30s. My only ambition now is to play for fun and pass on my knowledge, but I’m very happy to see so many successful females in the industry. You’re doing it for all the women like me, so thank you for picking up the baton!


  1. DianeHirakawa DianeHirakawa on March 25, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    Great jazz variety and with rhythm changes. The brushes added much authenticity. You are better than me for switching to and from sticks! I, too, experienced rejection in the ’60 as a female drummer. Glad there are so many women drummers with accomplished bands, too. Great entry!

  2. Lachimolaladrum Lachimolaladrum on April 13, 2023 at 5:27 am

    I watched your video awhile back – I meant to leave a comment then before the video went private – but I like the brushes part, too, and your entry with the jazz genre. If you’re passing on knowledge and tips through social media, I’d love to follow – I’d be interested in hearing about playing with brushes! I’m sorry that you encountered sexism in your early drumming days but I’m glad you’re playing for fun :—)

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