Michelle Verna Tan
Teacher/School: Sekolah Musik Indonesia (Mr. Emmanuel Adi Prasetya) and Echa Soemantri
Helloo my name is Michelle Verna Tan
I’m 14 yo and I’m from Indonesia
From my experience joining this contest last year, i got a lot of friends, and more knowledge about how to improve my skill. I haven’t reached my goal yet and I want to try my best this year. So, what the impact what I want to share with the world is that never ever give up on your dreams, keep fighting and keep trying on. The last but not the least, I want to thank everyone that has been supporting me all this time and especially for Jesus that give me such a talent so I can be what I am today.
Excellent.. go go
Thank ypu suk Johan
Cantik berbakat pula

Semangaaattt Cece Michelle

Hit ur drum girl

Keren bgt

Makasii Kevin
Go go go Kakak ..semangat GBU
Okayy mpek, thank you
Semangat dan sukses drummer idola

Go hit ur drum
Siap bu
Yang penting tetap semangat
Siappp laksanakan
Welcome back Michelle.

You did great.
Thanks for your support, and don’t forget to vote me every dayy Nuntakarn
Hit hard and enjoy
Roger mpek
Kereeen Michelle

Makasii tante
Semangat tanpo sambat

Siap kung

Makasii tanteee
You can definitely be the best
Awww thanks a lot aunty
Semangatt jing !!!
Siappp miss

Go michell
Okayy let’s go
Jing-jing jiayou
Xie xie laoshi Benglin
Semangat selalu. Menjadi Berkat Amin
Amin aminn, makasi ko
Semoga tercapai impian mu Michelle Verna Tan
Amin amin, thank you bo
good girl
Hehee thank you miss
Michelle is the best
Aww thank you auntyy

Michelle do your best

Okaayy, i’ll do my best. Thank youu iik

Kamu terbaik ceee, i vote youu

Makasiii miss Sofi

Makasiii Kesya

Semangat Terus Michelle.

Tuhan Beserta-mu
Aminn, makasi banyak aunty
Go go go

Thank you Agustin

Semangat michelle
Siap bu Tutik
Good luck
Thanks a lot Ulil
ini dia yg ditunggu
Makasi dah di tungguin, jangan lupa vote tiap hari ya mr

Wow, what an effortlessly stunning performance!
Thnak youu, for supporting me and don’t forget to keep voting me everyday
Semangat Terus yaa….
Siap semangat selalu
is so amazing
Thanks a lot

Sukses Michelle…. Semangat terus ya
Amiin makasii banyak yaa
Cheers up

Aaaaaa thank you a lott Zasa
Keep hit the snare michelle
Okayyy, thank you for your support

Gak iso comment
Coba lagi kung Jong, siapa tau udah bisa
Good luck
Amiin thank you kung
Semangatt yaa
Makasii yaa

Semangat Michelle

Okee siap bu
wow! great!!!

Thank you so muchh

Go go gooo
Okay okay okayy

Makasi pak
Keep voting

Thanks a lot Zasa
Thank you mr. Ayam
Wish you all the best!
very nice
Thank you so much, sir !
Thank youuu so much miss

Good luck Michelle! Your dream will come true

Amen, thank you miss

Ayo senangat
Syaaap !! Keep fighting !!!
The winner of 2023!!!!

Yooo I luv this

definitely one of the best ones
”Chefs Kiss”

Luv the chops,grooves,feel, everything
Ay and the kick
good luck
Semangat kak michelle29