Patrizia Baccarin


Teacher/School: Fabio Feldkircher - Tilt

I have started playing drums afer I was 50 years old, studying with commitment despite daily work and family duties. Heart beat is our first drum since we are born. The rhythm of drums is my inner sense of well being, despite difficulties I face every day, at the end joy always prevails.


  1. DianeHirakawa DianeHirakawa on March 26, 2023 at 9:36 am

    Really liked your choice of grooves for this calm, peaceful tune. You were “spot on” which is harder to do with a slower paced song! And I like your “sound proofing” panels. I use styrofoam egg cartons…… Good Luck for HLAG. After 8 years, I just enter HLAG now to read the professional judges’ comments, not to win. Congrats on your entry.

  2. Patrizia Baccarin on March 27, 2023 at 12:55 am

    Thanks Diane for your comment, I recorded the song at my school. Good day!

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